About the Author/Designer of Sakura's Dreamworld

Having been asked to write a short page about myself, I have decided to include this short page to give a little background information. Well, I'm a senior in high school, with the reputation of being a study bug. I enjoy working on computers (^_^), particularly with computer programming. However, I think I like computer software better than hardware after having programmed in assembly language for a while. Besides computers, I also enjoy reading, making art on various medias, and playing classical music.

A friend of mine first introduced me to the anime Sailor Moon. Since we were writing letters, she gave me the nickname "Ami Mizuno"; and for about a year or more I didn't really know a lot about who this character was. Since then, I have ended up seeing almost all of the DIC version Sailor Moon episodes, and Ami and Luna are my favorite characters. I have also seen several of the Japanese episodes, some subtitled, some not, as .mov files on the computer.

In late September of 1999, I decided to create some kind of a webpage just to get practice with writing HTML, which I had not done a lot of before. (I've definitely had more than enough practice at this point!) I had trouble deciding on what topic I wanted to make my webpage about, but I finally decided on Sailor Moon. Thus, I started my first webpage, Ami's Little Library. The webpage has grown a lot since I first started working on it, and it has become larger than I had originally planned.

Later, by accident, I found a webpage with some pictures from Card Captor Sakura, and I became curious about this anime, which I still have not seen yet. I investigated a little bit, and found music files from the cds of Card Captor Sakura, which I also liked. So, in late January of 2000, I started another project: Sakura's Dreamworld, a site dedicated to the anime Card Captor Sakura.

I have found that I enjoy web design a great deal, and I plan to keep updating both sites with new pages and features! Thanks for visiting Sakura's Dreamworld!

Sakura's Dreamworld

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Any Questions, Comments, or Suggestions? - E-mail Amy